Google bots bringing me down - New Years Resolution - Dev Log 31

Google bots bringing me down - New Years Resolution - Dev Log 31

The last week has not been too hot. Got to have lows to appreciate the highs though. While trying to start my Google Ads campaign for the job board, my account got flagged by a bot for suspicious activity. I thought okay no worries I will send an appeal of the suspension and get all of that sorted out. The appeal went no where and was not read by a real person. Instead I got an email saying that my account is suspended permanently at the user level, so do not try to make additional accounts. You can tell the email response was automated, no name at the bottom, no personal information used (not even "Hi, Lawrence"), and when you follow the links they just go to general documentation pages that do not actually help.


Obviously this is terrible news. I started to look into it and apparently I am not the only person having this problem. Many developers have had the same experience. Google Ads suspends their account for no reason, and they can not do anything about it because all of the support is automated. Here is a thread where many people like myself have commented on the problem, you have to scroll past the recommended solution, which if you read the posts, does not work.

On a more personal note, I am now very sick. Luckily it is not COVID, but I do have an upper raspatory infection. I have just been chilling and using my time to rest, I can not seem to pick the project that I would like to pursue next. I like the ideas of a SaaS, a mobile game, and a social network. For now I am not too worried about it though. Just trying to get my health back before I start my next code grind.